


  買い過ぎた……whether you go overboard when you buy presents for people……go overboardやりすぎる
  蛙の子は蛙???Like father,like son……She‘s just like her mother.間違いなく母の子。……She is her mother’s daughter……The postman‘s daughter.三河屋さんの子ども。イギリスでは郵便配達人。
  顔をゆがめる……distorting the face
  顔は知っている……by sight
  かき集める……get something together??人を集める場合にも使う。
  かき消える、消え失せる……vanished into thin air……people and things that seemed to have vanished into thin air
  隠しておく、秘密にしておく……keep a person in the dark about……Do you think management should keep employees in the dark about whether or not the company is doing well?
  核心を言わない、言い訳ばっか……gives you the run around……when someone gives you the run around
  学生課……placement office.。大学で就職紹介をする所
  核融合……nuclear fusion……?nuclear fission核分裂
  風見圭(みたいな奴)……sit back……Are you the kind of person who tends to sit back and let things happen around you?……何にもしないで様子を見ている。
  貸し借り(金の)……Neither a borrower nor a lender be.金の貸し借りはやめた方がいい。
  貸し借り……Can you lend me ?……Can I borrow ?。
  かすめる……graze……The bullet grazed my shoulder.弾丸が肩をかすめていった。
  かすめる……skim……A swallow skimmed low(over the ground)。1羽の燕が地面すれすれに飛んで行った。
  稼ぐ、生計をたてる……What do you think are some enjoyable and unpleasant ways to make a living?
  ガソリンの値段……The pump price of gasoline
  家族を団結させる考え……values that can hold a family together
  肩をポンポンたたいてほめる……give their employees a pat on the back……Do you think bosses should always give their employees a pat on the back for the work they do?
  がっかりした:take the wind out of ones sails = disappoint or discourage someoneつまり、風に仱盲七Mんでいた船が、風が凪いで止まってしまった。くそっー!!
  がっかりさせてくれる人……people who let you down let you down……things you would say to a friend who let you down
  かつぐ、騙す、(冗談)……having you on……the last time you thought someone was having you on
  勝てる人は居なかった(俺に)……I was a good athlete in school. I could rings around everyone I competed against……run rings aroundが誰にも勝っていたと言う意味。
  金の生る木は無い……money does‘t grow on trees
  カバーしている、網羅している……to cover a lot of ground
  壁に突き当たる???run into a brick wall……times when you‘ve run into a brick wall
  かみころす……あくびをかみころす……stifle a yawnスタイフル?ア?ヨーン
  神に誓って、暴当だ……cross my heart and hope to die
  借りてきた猫:meek kitten
  かわいそう……sorry for……animals you feel sorry for……If a lion bites a giraff,then I feel sorry for the giraff.——pity,pitiful
  考えられない……I can‘t imagine ___ ___ing……I can’t imagine a woman wanting to become a sumo wrestler.面白いと思うけど。
  がんがん壁に頭を打付けたくなった時……banging your head against a brick wall……times when you felt like you were banging your head against a brick wallフラストレーションがたまった時……??不可能?ことを試みる

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