最近どう変わったか?……how you have changed over the years
最後に笑う人(仕返し?復讐)……having the last laugh
催眠術……hypnosis……under hypnosis……hypnotist……hypnotize
材料、素材……ingredients……the ingredients you use when making your favorite dish
逆立ち……walk on your hands……handstand
さかり、発情期……rut……the rut……(わだちも同じ綴り)
些細な事を大袈裟に言う……go into a song and dance about……people who go into a song and dance about the slightest thing that annoys them……そう言えば私も……
サービス残業……on their own time……employees who do extra work for their companies on their own time
sack……解雇、くび……get the sackくびになる……give a person the sack人をくびにする
雑踏を逃れる……getting away from it all……places that are good for getting away from it all……都会生活の雑踏(わずらわしさ)から逃れる。
subsequently.……次の(next)の文語体……following in order or succession(連続した(もの))
さぼる……goof around
ざまー見ろ……Serves you right!
更に悪いことには……what is worse……文の中にそのまま挿入する。
去る者は日々に疎し……Out of place out of mind._________Out of sight out of mind._________この反対の気持ちで、思いがつのるは、Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
さわぐ、下らない事を取り立てて大袈裟に言う……make a fuss over……people who make a fuss over something trivial
さわぐ……make a scene……people who make a scene if they can't watch their favorite TV programs
参加したか?……hold your own……Were you able to hold your own in athletic events at school?
散財する……spending spree……→to buy many items in a short space of time
残業する……work overtime……work extra hours……work long hours……do overtime
三銃士……3 musketeers
三人寄れば文殊の知恵……two heads are better than one……Out of the counsel of three comes wisdom.
残念だ……It's a pity……It's a shame.
shelf life……period of time that something remains useful……言わば、賞味期限。棚の上に載っている期間つまり人が欲しいと思う間.
仕返しする……get back at……people who choose to get back at those who hurt them
自活する、独力でなんとかやっていく……feding for yourself……how good you are at feding for yourself
しかめる、顔をしかめる、いやな顔をする……scowl……make a faces
しかる、怒鳴る……chew out……こっぴどく叱る。
時効……prescription.(民法上の)……the statute of limitations runs out.(時効になる)
仕事中……on duty……How do you think police officers should behave while they're on duty?
姿勢……posture……Good posture is important for health.正しい姿勢は健康に大切である