Part I Listening comprehension
1.[C> 从they haven't found anybody else来看,可能找到部分幸存者,只是这几个小时没有找到更多的,说明C为正确答案。
2.[D>从quite disappointing来看,考试结果出乎意料,令人失望,所以答案为D。
3.[B>the last thing one wants to do一般用来表示"最不愿意做某事",由此可以判断答案为B。
4.[D> make it work in our program就是apply the theory to the program,所以答案为D。
5.[C> apply for a loan(申请贷款)也就是申请经济方面的援助,所以答案为C。
6.[B>从space shuttle可以判断是太空飞行,由此可以排除A,C,从another routine mission可以排除D。
7.[A>due也就意味着是deadline,既然只有两天的时间,说明the deadline is drawing near。
8.[C>run regularly就是运动的 一种方式,所以答案为C。
9.[A>like it overall表明说话者enjoy it as a whole。
10.[C>it needs a new paint job说明车看上去很旧,结合it seems to run well可以判断答案为C。
11.[C>there is no difference in the time the two groups spent on planning their strategy说明他们在准备时间上是相同的。
12.[A>good negotiators can make a lot of suggestions and consider twice the number of the alternatives说明他们能够提前仔细研究,答案为A。
13.[B> 本题为信息再现。文章中提到the average negotiators tried to persuade by giving a lot reasons, 与B 相同。
14.[D>文中提到sharks sometime starve,说明C不对,sharks don't eat as much as people think说明他们吃的比人们想象得要少,即D。
15.[B>文章最后提到if you go into a shark's territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you说明答案为B,即鲨鱼在感到威胁时才会向人类进攻。
16.[A> 文章的主题要看文章主要内容以及叙述方式。文章提到了狗,但不是作为朋友提到,B可以排除。从文章所叙述的鲨鱼在什么情况下才向人进攻来看,鲨鱼攻击人类并非出于本性,C不对。文章开始提到人们一般都认为鲨鱼很危险,而正文又介绍鲨鱼在很多情况下对人并无威胁,所以答案为A,即本篇文章试图说明鲨鱼并不是如人们所想象的那么可怕。
17.[A>从humans going to live on the Mars 和it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth可以判断科学家们对火星感兴趣的原因是人们有可能要移民到火星。
18.[D>If the atmosphere were like that of the earth, this might be possible说明如果人们要在火星上居住,其大气就应该改变。
19.[D>既然nitrogen is four fifths of the air we breathe(占我们呼吸的空气的5分之4),那就说明氮是我们所呼吸的空气的主要成分。
20.[B>本题为细节再现题,this will take one hundred thousand years与C相同。
Part II Reading comprehension
21.[B> 文章第二段中提到,导航计算机能够给司机提供精确的运行提示,既然能如此,也就能够帮助解决大城市中所存在的交通问题。由此可以推断,答案应该是B。
22.[A> 本题考查的是司机运用导航计算机的方式。文章第5段提到On most systems, a driver enters a desired address, 说明司机要想找到最佳的驶车路线,只需输入目的地即可,答案为A。
23.[C> 文章的后半部介绍了几种车型所用导航计算机的不同之处,一是the driver's request for a directions, 一是the way it presents the driving instructions,由此可以判断选项B,D不对。从Most systems are basically identical可以判断,无论什么样的导航计算机,其工作原理大体相同,即C。
24.[B> 文章第三段介绍了导航计算机的工作原理,一是通过天线接收卫星上发送的信息,文章第四段又介绍了这种信息要与计算机内所储存的地图结合(combined with a map database)。由此可以判断答案为B。本题回答的是导航计算机的工作原理,而没有区分什么类型的导航计算机,这就说明,导航计算机的工作原理是相同的,因此,由本题可以推断23题答案为C。
25.[B> 各导航系统通过不同的方式给司机提供指示,D与你相同,现象不是目的,所以不对。导航计算机借助global positioning system的帮助能够以这么多种方式为司机提供帮助,也正说明了其优越性,所以答案 B。
26.[A> 文章第一段通过假设的方式,展示了作者心目中学生可能有的看法,从most students would tear it apart, offering a long list of complaints …可以判断学生认为世界环境状况不容乐观,所以答案为A。
27[ C> 文章第一段最后一句The surprise is how good things are, not how bad似乎是说"人口的急剧增长与生产的扩大对环境带来了正面影响,但是,从下文的叙述方式来看,作者所欲说明的应该是"对世界环境的影响不大"。文章只是说the environment has not been ruined, raw materials have not run out, environmental problems ought to be solvable。从否定形式的使用可以判断,作者所强调的显然不是正面影响。
28.[D> 文章倒数第二段people have looked for new sources of supply, …. For this reason prices for energy and for minerals have fallen in real terms 说明从长远来看,价格处于下降趋势的原因之一应该是总能找到新的能源,即D。
29.[B> 本题考查的是具体事例与要说明观点之间的关系。文章最后一句If no one owns the resource concerned, no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it, fish is the best example of this.说明,鱼源变少的原因应该是它们不为任何实体所拥有,即B。
30.[A> 文章最后一段第一句It is where prices and markets do not operate properly that this benign trend begins to stumble, and the genuine problems arise说明要解决环境问题,首要的是要使市场运作正常,即A。
31.[B> 本题为同义转述题。文章第二段some thought it was unfair to minority children,说明有人认为智商测试对少数民族孩子不公平,也就使对少数民族学生的歧视,即B。
32.[C> 诉讼中提到"政府禁止IQ测试是对他们(黑人儿童)的歧视,这样以来他们的子女就不可能进入特殊班级受教育"。指责其不公,自然是要取消之,所以答案为C。
33.[A> 从常识来判断,美国白人一般都认为黑人等少数民族的孩子愚钝不可教,因此不能进入特殊教育班级。智商的测试可以让人们清楚儿童在学校成绩不好到底是智力的问题还使其它原因(to know whether it is because he or she is of low intelligence, or whether some other factor is the cause),这样就有可能排除智力上的因素,所以对缓和种族冲突会有好处,能表达此意思的是选项A。
34.[D> 作者在提到儿童收养问题后指出surely good will on the part of all of us is needed,显然是在说cross-racial adoption is to be advocated。
35.[D> 对于具体事例的作用,一般可以看事例前面总括性的陈述。本篇文章作者在介绍儿童收养问题前提到Unfortunately, intellectual level seems to be a sensitive subject,and what the law allows us to do varies from time to time. 然后说这种情况在其他场合也出现,如儿童收养。显然儿童收养问题所要说明的也是对于一些敏感的问题,法律所允许我们所多的不同的时期也不同。开始白人家庭黑人儿童是受鼓励的,到后来又变得generally unpopular,说明人们的观点会发生变化,即D。
36.[A> 根据文章第一般写作技法第一段不会结论,因此B不对,段中however的使用说明第一段所展示的使两种观点,答案为A。
37.[B>文章第一段所展示的第一种观点substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances.说明人们以往是认为城市居民不可能发展长久的友谊。
38.[C> 文章第三段提到If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers. 说明邻里之间很可能出现彼此都不关心的状况,即C。
39.[C>文章最后提到,大城市里居民比小城镇居民更见多识广,to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups,说明社区越大,人们越容易变得包容,思想也越开朗,所以答案为C。
40.[A> 本篇文章对比了大城市与小城镇种人际关系,但并没有强调在大城市中居住的优越,B不对;文中提到了很多城市居住的负面影响,显然C也不对;文章第二段中提到nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation,说明D也不对。由此可以判断答案为A。
Part III. Vocabulary
41. [A> 本题为上下义词复现。题干第一句提到suffer from a serious mental illness,指患一种严重的精神疾病,那么后面说介绍的反应自然也应该是这种疾病的反应。Inspiration为"灵感", insanity 表示"疯狂,愚昧",disposition为"气质,性情",都不是疾病的表现,答案为A,impulse(冲动)。
42. [D> 本题为词汇同现题,与首相同行的应该是随从,四个选项中能表示"随从"的是attendants。其它laymen表示"门外汉", directors表示"主任,主管,董事", servants为"仆人",都与话题不符。
43. [B> 本题为搭配题,superiority to表示"比……优越"。
44. [A> 本题为话题同现题,表示婚礼宴会应该拥wedding feast。
45.[B> 表示"货运费用"应该用freight charges,payments表示"付款,报应",funds为"资金",prices为"价格",都与freight不同现。
46.[A> 从句内容显然是经理对"她"所做的保证,所以答案为assurance。其它sanction表示"批准,认可",assumption表示"假设",insurance表示"保险",都与题意不合。
47.[C> 本题题意为"尽管该模型表面上看上去很不错,但是经不起细察"。temperament为"性情,气质",contamination为"玷污,污染", symmetry为"对称,匀称", scrutiny表示"详细审查",所以答案为C。
48.[A> 本题为搭配题,in the context of表示在"……的情况下",pretext为"借口,托辞" 一般与介词under 或on连用,contest为"竞争,竞赛", texture表示"质地",都与下文of短语所表示的情景不符。
49. [D> 本题为信息复现题。与a full understanding相对的显然也是一种"理解",四个选项中能表示"理解"的单词为interpretation。其它distinction表示"区别,差别", identification表示"辨认,鉴定",breakthrough表示"突破",都与题意不符。
50.[C> 本题为上下义词复现。"不得不在是否告诉父母真情中选择"表明就是处于一种左右为难的景遇,能表示此含义的单词是dilemma,其它选项puzzle表示"难题,迷", perplexity表示"困惑,混乱", bewilderment表示"迷乱,慌张,左右为难",都与与下文不构成复现关系。
51.[D> 特别节日的建立一般都是为了纪念历史上比较重要的事件,四个选项中能表示该含义的是commemorate,其它commend为"命令", propagate为"繁植,传播,宣传", memorize表示"记忆",都与话题不符。
52.[B> contrive为"发明,设计,图谋", heave为"举起", consolidate 表示"巩固",intensify 为"加强,强化"。本题表示"他与美国成功的谈判有助于巩固其在政府中的地位",所以答案为B。
53.[C> 既然对方只是试图引其人们的注意,就不应该对对方的行为愤慨,所以答案为C,irritate表示"气愤"与offensive remarks构成同现关系。
54.[A> 本题为词汇同现题。与mistakes同现的应该是"改正",即rectify, 其它各词refrain, reclaim, reckon分别表示"节制,避免","收回,要求归还","估计,猜想",与mistakes不构成搭配关系。
55.[C> 本题表示"摆姿势拍照",应该用动词pose,summon表示"召集,召唤",highlight表示"突出,使显著",marshal表示"整顿,配置,汇集",都与照相话题不符。
56.[C> 本题表示"吸收新会员",表示吸收的为absorb,其他enroll表示"注册", subscribe表示"订购,订阅", register表示"登记注册",与题意不符。
57.[D> 本题为因果同现题。要想孩子不骚乱,就要适当"监控",答案为supervise ,其他mobilize表示"动员", manipulate表示"操作,操纵,巧妙处理", warrant表示"保证,担保,批准"。
58.[B> 本题为搭配题,to speculate about 表示"推测,思索",其他选项没有此搭配功能。
59.[A> 本题为搭配题,dedicate …to表示"献身于……"。其他cater表示"备办食物", ascribe表示"归因与", cling表示"坚持,附着"。
60.[D> 本题为同现题,自己与老板显然是从属的关系,所以答案为subordinate,其他redundant表示"多余的",versatile表示"多才多艺的", trivial表示"琐细的,微不足道的",都与话题不符。
61.[A> 本题为搭配题, be skeptical about表示"对……持怀疑态度"。其他stationary为"静止的",
62.[D> 本题表示"一个人的压抑是由于长时间的紧张和过度工作所致",答案为cumulative,表示"累积",而total为"总计", terrific 为"令人恐怖的",increased表示"增加了的",都不能表示"日益积累的效果"。
63.[B> 本题为修饰同现题,eccentric表示"古怪的", sensible表示"有感觉的,明智的", acute表示"敏锐的:, sensitive表示"敏感的"。本题表示人的视力应该像鹰的眼睛一样敏锐,所以答案为B。
64.[B> 本题为评注性形容词的考查。Abrupt表示"突然的,陡峭的", adverse 表示"不利的,相反的",absurd表示"荒谬的,可笑的", addictive表示"上瘾的"。根据本题意思,可以判断答案B,即干同样的活,女人得到得待遇却比男人的低,这的确很荒谬。另外,从结构上来讲,absurd后从句中一般应该用should + 原形动词。
65.[C> 本题为句法搭配题。be apt to do something 表示"易于作某事",即穿这种鞋在潮湿的地板上很容易滑倒。其他feasible表示"可行的",appropriate表示"合适的,得体的",fitting表示"适合的,相称的",结构与意思都不合。
66.[B> 从we'll be very careful来看,说话人会把他们彼此之间所说的话保密的,而能表达此含义的选项是confidential。其他单词rigorous表示"严格的,严厉的", private表示"私人的,私有的", mysterious表示"神秘的"。
67.[D> 本题中impatient表示"不耐烦", crude表示"粗鲁的", tolerant表示"宽容的", indignant表?quot;气愤的"。从本句意思来看,既然政府没有征求他们的意见,国会会员应该是比较气愤,所以答案 D。
68.[D> 本题为信息复现题,所填单词表达的是support的含义,四个选项ensure表示"打包,保证", attribute表示"归结与", authorize表示"批准", endow表示"捐赠,赋予"。四个选项中与support意思相近的为endow,即大学由私人出资。
69.[C> intervene表示"干预,介入", incur表示"招致", provoke表示"激怒,煽动",poke表示"戳,捅"。本题表示如果不惹闹他们,狱卒是不会射击的。由此可以判断答案为provoke。
70.[ A> 本题为上下义词复现。所填单词是对they are too soft, rust too easily得概括,答案为A drawbacks,其他bruise意为擦伤,撞伤",handicap意为"障碍,阻碍",blunder意为"大错,大误",与they are too soft, rust too easily没有上下义关系。
Part IV Error Correction
S1 Viewing在句中作状语,与句子主语modern footballer之间是动宾关系,应该用过去分词,所以Viewing应改为Viewed。
S2 根据概念同现原理,目标准确才有可能得分高,所以从scores high来判断,inaccurate是错误的,应改为accurate。
S3. 句子缺少主语,根据主从句的意思来看,主语应该是he,所以在enjoys前加主语he。
S4 look up at为短语重叠,look up表示"敬仰,查寻"与本句意思不符,应该用look at,表示如果想了解这种转变如何发生,我们就必须看一看我们的祖先是如何作的。
S5 year为可数名词,这里应该用复数形式,应改为years。
S6 用以加强语气,表示"甚至",应该用even,而不是even if,所以if应该去掉。
S7 chasers, runner, jumpers, aimers, throwers 与pre-killers之间应该是选择并列关系,所以and应改为or。
S8 when用于引导状语从句,但是this immensely long formative period of hunting for food为名词短语,when使用不当,根据句子的意思应该改为after。
S9 主语为their improved intelligence为单数形式,所以谓语动词也应该用单数形式,were应该改为 was。
S10 根据话题原则,farming 应该改为hunting。
1.W: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash?
M: Yes, they have been searching the area for hours, but they haven't found anybody else. They will keep searching until night falls.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
2.M: How many students passed the final physics exam in your class?
W: Forty, but still as many as 20 percent of the class failed, quite disappointing, isn't it?
Q: What does the woman think of the exam?
3.W: Lots of people enjoy dancing, do you?
M: Believe it or not, that is the last thing I want to do.
Q: What does the man mean?
4.W: Jane, I am having difficulty with all the theoretic stuff we are getting in our computer course.
M: Oh, that part I understand. What I can't figure out is how to make it work in our program.
Q: What is the man's problem?
5.W: Did you see Mary somewhere around?
M: Yes, she is in the campus bank, applying for the student's loan.
Q: What was Mary doing?
6.W: The space shuttle is taking off tomorrow.
M: I know, this is another routine mission. It is first flight with four years ago.
Q: What are they talking about?
7.M: When are we supposed to submit our project proposals, Jane?
W: They are due by the end of the week. We've only two days left. We'll just have to hurry.
Q: What does the woman mean?
8.W: When I go on a diet, I eat only fruit, and that takes off weight quickly.
M: I prefer to eat whatever I want, and then run regularly to lose weight.
Q: How does the man control his weight?
9.W: John, can you tell me what in the book interested you most?
M: No, well, nothing specific, but I like it overall.
Q; What did the man think of the book?
10.W: How do you like the car I just bought?
M: Well, it seems to run well, but I think it needs a new paint job.
Q: What does the man think of the car?
Passage 1
Nilrikman and others of the halfway research group have done some research into the differences between average and good negotiators. They found negotiators with the good trait record and studied them in action. They compared them with another group of average negotiators and found that there was no difference in the time that the two groups spent on planning their strategy. However, there were some significant differences on other points. The average negotiators thought in terms of the present, but the good negotiators took a long-time review. They made lots of suggestions and considered twice the number of the alternatives. The average negotiators set their objectives as single points. We hope to get two dollars, for example. The good negotiators set their objectives in terms of range, which they might formulate as "We hope to get two dollars, but if we get one dollar and fifty, it will be all right.". The average negotiators tried to persuade by giving lots of reasons. They use a lot of different arguments. The good negotiators didn't give many reasons. They just repeated the same ones. They also did more summarizing and reviewing, checking they were understood correctly.
11.What do good negotiators and average negotiators have in common?
12.According to the speaker, what would good negotiators do?
13.According to the speaker, what does the average negotiator usually do?
Passage 2
To most of us sharks are the most dangerous fish in the sea and they attack humans. However, according to Doctor Clark, who has studied the behavior of sharks for twelve years, humans are not normally on the shark's menu. What do sharks feed on, mainly fish and other sea animals? Doctor Clark also found that sharks don't eat as much food as people think. For instance, a nine-year-old shark only needs two pound of food a day to keep healthy. But she says, sharks sometimes starve and at other times they fill themselves with what they have killed. Around the world, there are only about one hundred shark attacks on humans each year, ten of which proved fatal. But consider this, in the US alone, about three million people are bitten by dogs each year. Of these, thirty people die. If sharks bite you, says Doctor Clark, the reason is usually because of the mistake you ****natural food. For example, say you went underwater-fishing and saw a shark, you could be in trouble. The shark might go for the injured fish you had attacked and take a bite of you at the same time. If you go into a shark's territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you. That's because sharks are territorial and tend to guard their territory. Like dogs, they protect the area they think is their own.
14.What does the passage say about the eating behavior of sharks?
15.When might a shark attach humans?
16.What do we learn from the passage about sharks?
Passage 3
Science fiction writers have often imagined humans going to live on the Mars. But these days, scientists are taking the idea seriously. It has a great deal to recommend it, since it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth. But obviously, it would not be worth making the effort unless people could live there naturally. If the atmosphere were like that of the earth, this might be possible. But in fact it is mostly carbonoxidite. Apart from that, there are other problems to be overcome. For example, the temperature would have to be raised from 6 degrees below zero to 15 degrees above it. Scientists who study Mars have laid down the program that they can follow. To begin with, they will have to find out whether life has ever existed on the planet of Mars in the past. Secondly they will have to make a reliable map of its surface. And finally, they will have to make a list of the gases. Above all, they will have to discover how much nitrogen it possesses. Since nitrogen is four fifths of the air we breathe, they are surprising optimistic about raising the temperature on Mars and believe it could be down in hundred years. It will take a bit longer, though, to transform the atmosphere so that human beings could live there. Scientists estimate this will take one hundred thousand years.
17.Why are scientists interested in Mars?
18.What is the one of the things that must be done if a man can live on Mars?
19.Why do scientist want to find out whether there is sufficient nitrogen on Mars?
20.What is the prospect of people living on Mars?