

 Car retailing
   If there was ever an industry vulnerable to technological change, it would have to be selling cars in America. For decades a franchise network made up of thousands of dealers has peddled ordinary cars as though they were exotic goods in a Moroccan souk. Each dealer seems to have his own opaque pricing scheme, consumers have to endure endless haggling and the financing is murky at best. Small wonder, then, that the shifty car salesman has became such a stereotype.
   A decade ago a few brave souls tried to use the emerging power of the internet to modernise this fragmented and frustrating business. Scott Painter, a Californian entrepreneur, founded Cars Direct in an attempt to sell vehicles direct to consumers online. But the business failed to work as he had hoped, and he eventually left the company.
   Hope springs eternal, at least where the internet is concerned. This week Mr. Painter is launching Zag, his latest attempt to modernise automobile retailing using the internet. His first big customer is Capital One, a financial giant that is one of the country’s biggest providers of car loans. Meanwhile, Auto Nation, the country’s largest car retailer (with over 300 dealerships), is launching Smart Choice, its own internet marketingscheme, in June.
   So is the time finally ripe? Glenn Mercer of McKinsey, a consultancy, believes that internet sales efforts, even fixed price schemes, will not save customers much money because the internet firms by law cannot buy cars directly from manufacturers; they must get them from dealers. Brian Reed of Capital One retorts: "It’s true, we may not offer the lowest pricebut we will offer a fair price with a lot less pain."
   But the pain is not always so easy to escape. Visit many online sites to research a car, and they will sell your name immediately to local dealerships which will then harass you in the oldfashioned way.
   Still, there are reasons to think that conditions may finally be favoring online sales. J.D. Power and Associates, a research firm, reckons that twothirds of new car customers use the internet for research, up from a quarter in 1998. Auto Nation reports that car sales originating on the internet have increased from 14% of its total in 2002 to about a quarter last year. Because price transparency is squeezing margins, argues Sid De Boer of Lithia, one of the country’s biggest car retailers, dealers are now desperate to find ways that the internet can help them. He is convinced that online sales of new cars will soar from nothing to a quarter of Lithia’s total within a decade.
   So will all this mean the death of the salesman? Do not count on it says Mike Jackson, the boss of Auto Nation. His firm has already cut in half the time taken to buy a car, and it wants to cut it in half again by automating various bits of paperwork. But Mr. Jackson is convinced that consumers will always want to kick the tyres on their new car, before they sign on the dotted line: We’ll put the distasteful parts online, and leave the fun part-it’s like going to a candy store. 
  [真题例句] "In Japan,"says educator Yoko Muro, "its never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life, but only how much you can endure." [2000年阅读4]
  [例句精译] "在日本,"教育家 Yoko Muro说,"问题绝对不是你是否喜欢自己的工作和生活,而是你能承受多大的负荷。"
  [真题例句] Over billions of years, the gas was compressed by gravity into galaxies, stars, plants and eventually, even humans.[1998年翻译]
  [例句精译] 数十亿年来,这种气体受引力的压缩形成星系、恒星,甚至产生人类。
  [真题例句] Their methods do not attempt (v.) to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.[2006年阅读3]
  [例句精译] 他们的方法不是试图估计出在特定海洋区域中实际的单位鱼类生物数量,而是这一数量随着时间有什么变化。
  [真题例句] On the other hand, oilimporting emerging economies-to which heavy industry has shifted-have become more energyintensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed (v.).[2002年阅读3]
  [例句精译] 另一方面,进口石油的新兴国家由于转向了重工业,消耗能量更大,因此可能会受到石油危机的强烈影响。
  [真题例句] Theyre all groaning about soaring (v.) health budgets, the fastestgrowing components of which are pharmaceutical costs.[2005年新题型]
  [例句精译] 他们抱怨高涨的健康预算,药价太高是其中非常重要的一个方面。
  [真题例句] The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10.[1997年阅读1]
  [例句精译] 这一法案以令人信服的15票对10票通过。
   Little Tips:
   大约十年前,一些勇敢的先行者尝试利用新生的网络力量来使这个支离破碎和令人沮丧的行业赶上现代化的班车。一位加拿大企业家Scott Painter 建立了一个名为CarsDirect的网站,希望能直接通过网络将汽车卖给消费者。但事情并未如他所设想的那么顺利,最后他只好离开了他所在的公司。
   希望总是无穷尽的,至少对网络来说是如此。本周Painter先生将发布他用来推进汽车销售现代化的最新网站Zag,他的第一个大顾客是Capital One公司,该公司是美国从事汽车消费信贷的最大公司之一。同时,美国的最大汽车零售厂AutoNation(有超过300个品牌的代理权)也将在六月公布了他们自己的网站Smart Choice,作为他们的网上销售策略。
   时机终于成熟了吗?麦肯锡咨询公司的Glenn Mercer认为即使是固定价格,通过网络所达到的销售成果也不能为消费者省多少钱,因为根据美国的法律,网上公司是不能够直接从汽车厂商那里提货的,他们所得到的车只能是通过汽车经销商的渠道。Capital One公司的Brian Reed反驳说:"的确,我们很难做到最便宜,但是我们会使消费者不必经历多少苦恼便能获得一个公平的价格"。
   不过,仍然有理由相信情况最终将会趋向于对网络销售有利的方向发展。一个名为J.D. Power&Associates的调研公司,通过统计得出了三分之二的新车购买者通过网络研究有关资料的结论。而这个数字在1998年只有四分之一。AutoNation公司也称现在的汽车销售总额中有四分之一是来源于网络,相比之下,这个数字在1998年也只有14%.
   Lithia公司(美国的最大经销商之一)的Sid DeBoer认为,价格的透明化会把经销商的边际利润挤干,所以现在经销商正在不顾一切地从网络寻找对他们有利的方法改进。他深信新车网上汽车交易在十年内将会由近乎零提升到接近公司销售总额的15%.
   这些是否都意味着经销商将日薄西山呢?别指望那会发生,AutoNation的老板Mike Jackson说。他的公司已经把购买一辆汽车的时间缩短了一半,而且还在打算通过使各种文书工作自动化来把时间再缩短一半。但是Jackson先生确信消费者总是想在最终决定签下买车协定之前用脚踢一下他们的新车的轮胎,引用车主的话说就是:"我们把令人不快的部分留在网上,而把有趣的部分留下来--就像去糖果店一样"。

 Chain reaction
  "The great manufacturers in the Yorkshire and Lancashire districts tell me that, under modern conditions, they have got into the habit of laying in supply not for a period of two to five months but they are dependent week by week on the importation of the raw material." So Sir George Parkin described the alarming business practices found in Britain at the dawn of the 20th century. As a leader of the Imperial Federation League, he sought to replace the British empire with a bigger group of trading partners, so as to guarantee supplies. A hundred years on, Sir George would have marvelled at globalisation, but been aghast that today’s manufacturers measure their inventories in only a few hours of production.
  The great manufacturers now have amazingly lean operations. They have outsourced business to contractors that can do the work more efficiently, often in places where wages are lower. A huge logistics industry has sprung up to move stuff around the world at dazzling speed.
  Contain erisation has slashed the cost of shipping. Express airfreight has made overnight delivery possible to most places on earth. Moreover, such services are within the grasp not just of the supply departments of giant multinationals but also of anyone trading on eBay from the spare bedroom.
  The logistics business is one of the marvels of commerce, but it is not without its risks. Supply chains have become ever more complex and extended. Some great manufacturers and great service companies may have become too lean in their relentless drive to reduce costs, outsourcing not just their noncore activities but essential ones too. If one link of a company’s supply chain snaps, the consequences can be grave. Ericsson and Nokia found this out when they both relied on the same supplier for a special chip in their mobile phones. After the chipmaker’s factory was hit by lightning, Nokia swiftly locked up all the alternative supplies whereas Ericsson suffered a severe parts shortage and later quit making handsets on its own.
  A company’s best protection from its own supply chain is to expect failure, not to hide from it. Toyota last year narrowly escaped a parts shortage when an American supplier went bankrupt. The carmaker has now introduced an earlywarning system in Europe to try to detect any looming problems with suppliers before they bring production lines to a halt.
  The good news is that many companies are now trying to identify the choke points and weak links in their supply chains. What about Sir George’s concern-the wider threat to national economies? With so many people worrying about oil supplies and a birdflu pandemic, the prospect of supply chains collapsing around the world can seem a scary idea.
  It shouldn’t be. There are a few industries where it makes sense for governments to keep some emergency stocks of a few essentials such as energy, munitions and medicines. But the logistical apocalypse is not a good way for politicians to think about everyday life, let alone to start interfering in markets.
  Natural disasters are not, in fact, a common cause of supplychain disruptions. Most are the result of humdrum internal problems, like bad planning or the choice of an unreliable subcontractor. That can be terrible for a particular company, but hardly poses a threat to society at large. After all, if Ericsson and Nokia cannot supply you with a mobile phone, Samsung would be only too happy to get one to you tomorrow.
  a.惊骇的, 吓呆的
  v./n. ①抓住,抓紧;②掌握,领会
  [真题例句] Intelligence seeks to grasp (②), manipulate, reorder, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines.[2004年阅读4]
  [例句精译] 智力寻求的是理解、运用、整合和调节,而才学则是审视、思考、探究、形成理论、批判和想像。
  [真题例句] Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves (n.).[2005年阅读2]
  [例句精译] 竟然有许多美国人买这些谬论的帐,30年来,大约有一千万烟民早早就进了坟墓。
  [真题例句] It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere (①) in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage.[2000年翻译]
  [例句精译] 这也意味着:政府不得不逐渐加大对这些部门的干预力度,以便提高生产率,确保其发挥最佳效益。
  [真题例句] The words used by the speaker may (44:stir up) unfavorable reactions in the listener (45:which) interfere (②) with his comprehension; hence, the transmissionreception system breaks down .[1994年完形]
  [例句精译] 说话的人所采用的言语可能激起了听者不愉快的反应,这种反应阻止了他的进一步理解;因此,传输接收系统就终止了。
  [真题例句] (72) Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal (①) quarrels among historians themselves.[1999年翻译]
  [例句精译] (72)人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。
  Little Tips:
  20世纪初期,英国的George Park先生曾经有过这样的商业情景描述:约克夏郡和兰开夏郡的大制造商们告诉我,在现在的条件下,他们已经养成了以周为周期采购原材料的习惯,而不是像原来那样以25个月作为原材料采购周期。作为IFL(皇家联盟集团)的领导人,他寻求在大英帝国的基础上建立一个更加广泛的贸易伙伴联盟,以保障供应。一百年过去了,如果George先生还活着,他在惊叹全球化的同时,必然更加震惊于当今的制造商仅在生产前几个小时完成库存准备工作这个现实。

 Declining populations:Incredible shrinking countries
  During the second half of the 20th century, the global population explosion was the big demographic bogey. Robert McNamara, president of the World Bank in the 1970s, compared the threat of unmanageable population pressures with the danger of nuclear war. Now that worry has evaporated, and this century is spooking itself with the opposite fear: the onset of demographic decline. 
  The shrinkage of Russia and eastern Europe is familiar, though not perhaps the scale of it: Russia’s population is expected to fall by 22% between 2005 and 2050, Ukraine’s by a staggering 43%. Now the phenomenon is creeping into the rich world: Japan has started to shrink and others, such as Italy and Germany, will soon follow. Even China’s population will be declining by the early 2030s, according to the UN, which projects that by 2050 populations will be lower than they are today in 50 countries. 
  Demographic decline worries people because it is believed to go hand in hand with economic decline. At the extremes it may well be the result of economic factors: pessimism may depress the birth rate and push up rates of suicide and alcoholism. But, in the main, demographic decline is the consequence of the low fertility that generally goes with growing prosperity. In Japan, for instance, birth rates fell below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman in the mid1970s and have been particularly low in the past 15 years.
  But if demographic decline is not generally a consequence of economic decline, surely it must be a cause? In a crude sense, yes. As populations shrink, GDP growth will slow. Some economies may even start to shrink, too. The result will be a loss of economic influence.
  Governments hate the idea of a shrinking population because the absolute size of GDP matters for greatpower status. The bigger the economy, the bigger the military, the greater the geopolitical clout: annual GDP estimates were first introduced in America in the 1940s as part of its war effort. Companies worry, too: they do not like the idea of their domestic markets shrinking. People should not mind, though. What matters for economic welfare is GDP per person.
  The crucial question is therefore what the effect of demographic decline is on the growth of GDP per person. The bad news is that this looks likely to slow because workingage populations will decline more rapidly than overall populations. Yet this need not happen. Productivity growth may keep up growth in GDP per person: as labour becomes scarcer, and pressure to introduce new technologies to boost workers’ efficiency increases, so the productivity of labour may rise faster. Anyway, retirement ages can be lifted to increase the supply of labour even when the population is declining.
  People love to worry-maybe it’s a symptom of ageing populations-but the gloom surrounding population declines misses the main point. The new demographics that are causing populations to age and to shrink are something to celebrate. Humanity was once caught in the trap of high fertility and high mortality. Now it has escaped into the freedom of low fertility and low mortality. Women’s control over the number of children they have is an unqualified good-as is the average person’s enjoyment, in rich countries, of ten more years of life than they had in 1960. Politicians may fear the decline of their nations’ economic prowess, but people should celebrate the new demographics as heralding a golden age. 
  [真题例句] They can hope that, if one province includes a drug on its list, the pressure (n.①) will cause others to include it on theirs.[2005年新题型]
  [例句精译] 他们可能会认为如果一个省把一种药包括在一个药品名录单上,就会迫使其他省把这种药也包括在药品名录单上。
  [真题例句] Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk (①) or vanished in the face of foreign competition.[2000年阅读1]
  [例句精译] 面对国外竞争,一些大型的美国工业,如消费电子产业,已经萎缩或渐渐消失。
  [真题例句] Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme (a.②) cases.[2003年阅读3] 
  [例句精译] 如果客户感到他们被多收费,他们有权上诉到联邦政府的"陆路运输委员会"以争取价格下调,但这个过程耗财、耗时,并且只有在真正极端特殊的情况下才有作用。
  [真题例句] (73) It leads the discussion to extremes (n.①) at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. [1997年翻译]
  [例句精译] (73)这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端。它使人们认为应当这样对待动物:要么像对人类自身一样关心体谅,要么完全冷漠无情。
  [真题例句] Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.[2000年阅读1]
  [例句精译] 美国不再视繁荣为理所当然之事。
  v./n. ①下倾,下降,下垂,衰落;②斜面,倾斜;v.拒绝,谢绝
  [真题例句] Could the bad old days of economic decline (n.①) be about to return? [2002年阅读3]
  [例句精译] 过去经济衰落的日子会不会重来?
  Little Tips:
  在二十世纪后半叶,全球人口大爆炸还是令人担忧的人口问题。70年代,世界银行行长Robert McNamara甚至还把人口压力所带来的威胁与核战相提并论,然而在今天看来,这种忧虑已经不复存在了。这个世纪悄悄过去了,带给人们的却是一个恰恰相反的忧虑:人口衰退开始初露端倪。

  Don’t shoot the messenger
  They poison the mind and corrupt the morals of the young, who waste their time sitting on sofas immersed in dangerous fantasy worlds. That, at least, was the charge levelled against novels during the 18th century by critics worried about the impact of a new medium on young people. Today the idea that novels can harm people sounds daft. And that is surely how history will judge modern criticism of video games, which are accused of turning young people into violent criminals. This week European justice ministers met to discuss how best to restrict the sale of violent games to children. Some countries, such as Germany, believe the answer is to ban some games altogether. That is going too far.
  Criticism of games is merely the latest example of a tendency to demonise new and unfamiliar forms of entertainment. In 1816 waltzing was condemned as a "fatal contagion" that encouraged promiscuity; in 1910 films were denounced as "an evil pure and simple, destructive of social interchange"; in the 1950s rock ’n’ roll music was said to turn young people into "devil worshippers" and comic books were accused of turning children into drug addicts and criminals. In each case the pattern is the same: young people adopt a new form of entertainment, older people are spooked by its unfamiliarity and condemn it, but eventually the young grow up and the new medium becomes accepted-at which point another example appears and the cycle begins again.
  The opposition to video games is founded on the mistaken belief that most gamers are children. In fact, twothirds of gamers are over 18 and the average gamer is around 30. But the assumption that gamers are mostly children leads to a double standard. Violent films are permitted and the notion that some films are unsuitable for children is generally understood. Yet different rules are applied to games.
  Aren’t games different because they are interactive? It is true that video games can make people feel excited or aggressive, but so do many sports. There is no evidence that videogaming causes longterm aggression. 
  Games ought to be agerated, just as films are, and retailers should not sell adultrated games to children any more than they should sell them adultrated films. Ratings schemes are already in place, and in some countries restrictions on the sale of adultrated games to minors have the force of law. 
  Oddly enough, Hillary Clinton, one of the politicians who has led the criticism of the gaming industry in America, has recently come round to this view. Last month she emphasised the need for parents to pay more attention to game ratings and called on the industry, retailers and parents to work together. But this week some European politicians seemed to be moving in the other direction: the Netherlands may follow Germany, for example, in banning some games outright. Not all adults wish to play violent games, just as not all of them enjoy violent movies. But they should be free to do so if they wish.                    Immerse 
  [真题例句] Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of "tunnel method ," frequently fall victim to the "technicist fallacy."[1999年翻译]
  [例句精译] 历史学家常常沦为"技术谬误"的牺牲品,尤其是那些因研究兴趣而失去判断力、被指控为"井蛙之见"的人。
  [真题例句] 67. What does the author probably mean by "untaught mind" in the first paragraph?[1994年阅读5]
  [B] A citizen of a society that restricts personal creativity.
  [例句精译] 67.作者在第一段中提到的untaught mind 指什么?
  [真题例句] Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned (①) or made illegal.[2004年阅读2]
  [例句精译] 在过去的一个世纪里各种各样的不公和歧视遭到了谴责或被定为非法。
  [真题例句] Its an interactive feature that lets visitorskey in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then Emails them when a matching position is posted in the database.[2004年阅读1]
  [例句精译] 它("个人搜索代理")的特点是互动,允许访问者自定求职标准诸如工作地点、职位和薪水,当资料库里出现与个人要求相匹配的工作岗位时它就会通过电子邮件通知求职者。
  [真题例句] Now it is a social policy, the most important and aggressive (②) promoter of gambling in America is the government.[2006年新题型]
  [例句精译] 现在这是一种社会政策,美国赌博业最重要的和最激进的支持者是政府。
  [真题例句] By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations.[1995年阅读4]
  [例句精译] 学校里最糟糕的竞争形式就是过分强调考试。 
  Little Tips:

 Doughnut adjust your set
  HAVE you ever seen anything on television that made you shout or shake your fist in anger at the screen? Televisions are, of course, unable to respond to such reactions. But that could be about to change. Controlling your television and other homeentertainment devices using voice commands or gestures is starting to become possible thanks to a new generation of controllers.
  Consider, for example, the controller that went on sale last month with Nintendo’s Wii games console. In place of the usual (sometimes baffling) combination of buttons and joysticks, the Wii has a motionsensitive controller. The console can determine how the controller is moving in space and what it is pointing at, and uses that information to control what is happening on screen. Depending on the game, the controller becomes a warrior’s sword or a golf club.
  For some games, the controller connects up via a cable to a second, smaller handset called the "Nunchuk" after the weapon favoured by Bruce Lee in his martialarts movies (two batons linked by a chain). It is then possible to use one controller for movement, and the other to fire weapons or use items. The number of buttons on both controllers has been reduced to a minimum, as Nintendo hopes to draw in new customers who find existing games consoles too complicated. But whether the Wii will introduce a generation of grandmothers to the joys of karate games remains to be seen.
  This living room overload is likely to get worse as telecoms operators launch a new generation of television over broadband services, using a technology called IPTV. This will make possible thousands of channels, downloadable programs and films, plus messaging, internet access and games. It will also involve the biggest and most complicated controllers ever seen. "The experience isn’t as good as it could be," says Michael Cai of Parks Associates, a consultancy. So some companies believe a new approach is needed.
  Other companies have looked at using speechbased controllers in the living room. One firm, Promptu, developed a voice control system for American cable operators and tested it in conjunction with Motorola, which makes set top boxes. But it has now decided to reposition the technology as a voicebased navigation system for mobile phones. A simpler approach is taken by the In Voca voiceactivated remote control. It is a universal remote control that can recognise 50 separate commands spoken by up to four separate users, from "lower volume" to "Cartoon Network". 
  A recent entry to the field is Apple Computer, a firm renowned for designing elegant, easytouse products. In 2007 it will launch a new device, called the iTV, that acts as a bridge between a television and a computer. It has a deliberately simple remote control that, like Apple’s iconic iPod musicplayer, involves just one button and one wheel. Steve Jobs, the company’s boss, boasts that it is "very Apple". Might his company be the one to solve the remote    control confusion?
  [真题例句] An important factor in a marketoriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded (②) to   by producers.[1994年阅读1]
  [例句精译] 以市场为导向的经济中的一个重要因素是反映消费者需求以及生产者对消费者需求作出反应的机制。
  [真题例句] Celebrate! commanded (v.①) the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.[2006年阅读4]
  [例句精译] "欢庆吧!"宣传关节炎良药西乐葆的广告这样命令道,随后我们却发现它能增加心脏病的发病率。
  [真题例句] Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command (v.③) the English language with skill and gift.Nor do they aspire to such command(n.①) themselves.[2005年阅读4]
  [例句精译] 美国人不再期望公众人物在演讲或写作之时可以娴熟地运用技巧和文采来驾驭英语,而且公众人物本身也不这样要求自己。
  [真题例句] Given all these disadvantages, central bankers seem to have had much to boast (v.) about of late.[1997年阅读5]
  [例句精译] 尽管有这么多不利因素,中央银行家们似乎对近来的形势有了不少值得夸耀的东西。
  [真题例句] Rodriguez notes that children in remote (②) villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet "some Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nations assimilative power." [2006年阅读1]
  [例句精译] 罗德里格兹记录道,在世界范围内偏远村庄里的孩子也崇拜着超级明星,比如阿诺得•施瓦辛格和葛司•布鲁克斯。然而"一些美国人害怕在美国居住的移民在某种程度上不会受到民族同化作用。"
  Little Tips:
  随着电信运营商在一种叫IPTV的技术基础上推出一系列结合电视机与宽带网络的新服务,我们的客厅很可能会变得越来越拥挤嘈杂。此类服务可能包括几千个电视频道、可下载的电视节目与电影、短信服务、互联网接入与网络游戏。遥控器也会相应变得比以往更大、更复杂。Parks Associates咨询公司的麦克尔•卡尔说,"大家并不会喜欢使用那样的遥控器。"所以一些公司认为要靠新方法来解决这个问题。