liner transport班轮运输
shipping by chartering租船运输
sailing schedule船期表
liner‘s frei曲t tariff班轮运价表
weight ton重量吨
measurement ton尺码吨
per head每头
per unit每辆
frei曲t wei曲t运费吨
extra charges on heavy lifts超重附加费
extra charges on over lengths超长附加费
additional on optional discharging port选卸附加费
optional cargo选卸货物
additional on direct直航附加费
transshipment additional转船附加费
port additional港口附加费
voyage charter程租船
time charter期租船
bareboat charter光船租船
TCT,time charter on trip basis航次期租
rate freigkt~运费率
intaken quantity装船时的货物重量
lumpsum freight卸船时的货物重量
FO,free out船方管装不管卸
FI,free in船方管卸不管装
FIO,free in and out船方装卸均不管
FIOST,free in and out,stowed and trimmed船方不管装卸和平舱理舱
rail transport铁路运输
air transport航空运输
scheduled airline班机运输
chartered carrier包机运输
air express service航空急件传送
desk to desk service桌到桌运输
container transport集装箱运输
TEU,twentyfoot equivalent unit相当于20尺集装箱单位
FCL,full container load整箱货
LCL,less than container load拼箱货
CY,container yard集装箱堆场
CFS,container freight station集装箱货运站
international muhimodal transport国际多式联运
international combined transport 国际多式联运
international intermodal transport国际多式联运
muhimodal transport operator多式联运经营人
NVOCC,non-vessel operating common cartier无船承运人
land bridge transport大陆桥运输
road transportation公路运输
inland water transportation 内河运输
parcel post transport 邮政运输
pipeline transportation管道运输
time of delivery交货时间