对学术造假academic cheating的评论和建议,高分作文与中等作文的区别只要体现在以下方面:中等作文往往没有考虑段与段之间的衔接(在这里“实用派”徐可风说的不是“衔接词”这个连小学生都知道的层面,而是指“内容”深层面的衔接)。换言之,评论和建议应该是针对前面的危害来提出的,而不是独立提出的。这就是大纲上对高分作文的标准“整个一致性”的要求。
例如这个关于academic cheating评论建议段落可以在内容上写,因为学术造假损害了社会的公平性所以我们必须严惩造假者。同时,媒体应该报道学术造假的危害以教育广大市民。
In my mind, there are many things we can do to help put an end to academic cheating. For example, to secure the social fairness, the government should fight against academic fraud and punish people involved severely. Again, mass media should report the bad effect of academic cheating to educate common citizens. Only in these ways can we eliminate academic fraud at the source.