育路教育网在线讯 2012年12月22日全国大学英语四、六级考试开考,本次考试报考人数达938万人。育路教育在线外语频道将在考后第一时间发布英语四六级真题及答案,以供广大考生参考,敬请期待!
1. A.soil erosion, landslides and floods.
2. C . The protection of habitat and prevent the loss of species.
3. Rainforest trees closely rely on what? D plant and animal.
4. B. Because they can help prevent soil erosion.
5. C.Because of human destruction of virgin forest.
6. C the conservation of migratory species of rainforest.
7. A increase species diversity.
8. Rainforest deforestation increases the likelihood of soil erosion, landslides and floods
9. Some reforestation efforts focused on the development of forest soon because the forest is key to many of the planet's natural cycle, such as carbon and water cycles.
10. installation of artificial bat roosts in defore sted areas can encourage these unique flight-enabled mammals (such as glasses flying fox ) seed dispersal and forest regeneration.