

  Part B
  Directions: In this part of the text, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal…, you may take notes while you’re listening. Remember you will hear the passage only once.
  Now let us begin Part B with the first passage.
  Passage 1
  参考答案1:Currently, environmental protection has become the common issue that concerns the governments of all the countries and people from all walks of life. During the past decade, sea level has risen and forests have been destroyed at an unprecedented rate. A series of problems, namely, the deterioration of the ecosystem, the extinction of bio-species, damage to the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, acid rain and desertification have posed a serious threat to people’s environment for survival as well as to their physical health.
  参考答案2:Currently, environmental protection has become the common concern of the governments of all the countries and people from all walks of life. The past decade has witnessed /seen the unprecedented rise of sea level and deterioration of forests .The ecosystem has deteriorated, species have become extinct,the ozone layer has been damaged, there have been other problems such as greenhouse effect, acid rain and desertification, all of which have posed a serious threat to people’s environment for survival as well as to their physical health.
  对于“问题”类的文章,一开始的导入句往往会强调问题的严重性。因此,对于“成为……共同关心的问题”,除了按参考答案1那样,用常规定语从句进行翻译以外,还不妨如参考答案2那样,直接用concern进行替代,因为在英语里,concern作为名词有“关心的问题”的意思,言简意赅。句子的第二个意群的特点是“多主句”,按参考答案1进行直译时,需注意“前所未有”形容词为unprecedented,而这个词并没有副词。因此在这里可用at a(n) adj. rate并将形容词转化为副词使用。而按参考答案2处理时,可采用时间(点/段)+witness/see + adj. + n.的句型进行处理,做到简而不失雅。最后一个意群的特点是并列结构,可如参考答案1那样,用常用结构性语言 “a series of …, namely,…+v.”对并列部分进行列示,但其局限性在于主语过长,如当中专业术语出现卡壳,最后可能无法来得及翻译动词,并最终造成了“不成句”的译文。因此,同学可参考参考答案2,将原来的名词转化为动词并抢先构架句子结构,最后用which引导定语从句,相对而言更具实用性,这也是长句常用的“分句法”。除此以外,对于与问题严重性有关的单词或词组,如“灭绝”、“破坏”、“恶化”、“严重影响”等,都需考生熟练掌握及运用。
  参考答案1:Proceeding from our national condition, China, in the process of modernization, regards environmental protection as a basic state policy, and realizing sustainable economic development as an important strategy. In the meantime, China has launched a nationwide campaign for the prevention and treatment of pollution as well as the protection of ecological environment.
  参考答案2:Based on our national condition, China, in the process of modernization, regards environmental protection as a basic state policy, and realizing sustainable economic development as an important strategy. In the meantime, China has prevented and treated pollution as well as protected ecological environment in a nationwide drive.
  对于这句模块句子可以一题双解。首先的开头词“从……出发”是一个比较典型的导入方式,学生可如参考答案1一样,用proceeding from进行开头,也可如参考答案2一样,采用绕译法,绕译为based on (以……为基础),做到殊途同归。接下去的第一大意群中,不难发现这是一个并列结构,核心句型是“将……视为……”,并且这个句型出现了两次。因此,考生可按照减词法“介词拖后”原则,用 regard … as …,and … as…的结构进行简化;对于最后一个意群,其核心动词是“开展 n.……的工作/活动”,这是典型的引导解决措施的词组结构,其正式译法可如参考答案1一样,译为launch a (adj.) campaign for/against;但在口译中,也不妨省略“开展”,将其后面的名词,如“污染防治”、 “生态环境保护”直接转化为动词,请注意参考答案2中的斜体字部分,而对于“在全国范围内”,则可用 in a(n) adj. drive,将其转化为副词词性。这种转性法的活用,考生需平时苦练,方能在考场上游刃有余。

  Passage 2
  值此辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台、中央电视台,向全国 各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝福!
  参考答案1:At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television, I’m delighted to extend New Year wishes to Chinese of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!
  参考答案2:At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, , I’m delighted to extend New Year wishes to Chinese of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television!
  解题精析:这句句子是非常典型的礼仪致辞的开场白,属于“表心情”的一类,而模板结构往往是“我很高兴……”等等。这里, “高兴”用“delighted”要正式于 “happy,glad”等词,而“表达”用 “extend”也要正式于“express”等词。参考答案1采用了顺句驱动的译法,在同声口译中适用,但在交替传译中,via结构并非句子结构,因此很容易造成“不成句”的问题。因此,参考答案2抓住了主干,采用了转序译法,将 “ I am delighted to…”的句型结构提前,从而快速构建句子结构。但这种译法在同声传译中又会使译者前后颠倒,彻底崩溃。因此,根据具体语境,选择相应的译法也是考生需要培养的应变能力。
  参考答案1:I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that China will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development and implement a strategy of opening up for mutual benefit, actively develop exchanges and cooperation with countries from around the world, actively participate in efforts by the international community to meet the global financial crisis, strive to promote world economic growth and the progress of human civilization, continue to work with other countries to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity.
  参考答案2:I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to reaffirm that China will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development and implement a strategy of opening up for mutual benefit, actively exchange and cooperate with countries from around the world, actively make joint efforts with the international community to meet the global financial crisis, strive to promote world economic growth and the progress of human civilization, continue to work with other countries to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity.
  这句句子首先是典型的礼仪致辞句,因此对于“借此机会,我……”这样的句型结构,考生可以按照参考答案1,用 “I would like to take this opportunity to…”的结构开头,而考虑到这里的语境是胡錦涛主席面对全国人民的致辞,因此用“I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to…”的句型结构则更为正式。这种结构的特点是 “avail oneself of”这种反身代词的用法,如出现“他借此机会”,则只需改为 “avail himself of”就可以了。接下去句子中出现了两个“矢志不渝”,对这个高频的结构往往用“unswervingly +动词”进行连接,连接的内容有“奉行”、“坚持”等等,这类词前面已详细讲解,此处不再赘述。后面意群中难点在于“发展同……的交流合作”这种结构,除了参考答案1这样直译以外,在口译环境中,建议考生省略“发展”,将后面的名词转化为动词,即“同......交流合作”就可以了。类似结构还有“进行……+名词”等等。而对于“参与……的努力”,如无法如参考答案1那样直译,不妨另辟蹊径。是不是觉得这种结构和问题类模块句特别像呢?因此转化为“共同努力”(make joint efforts)也是一种很务实的解法。