New Technique Promises Earlier Cancer Detection
A new technique could revolutionize the early detection of cancer, giving sufferers a greater chance of beating the disease, American scientists said. Researchers at the Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology have devised a novel method of 51 changes in the nucle-us of cells in the earliest states of the disease. "More than 85 percent of all cancers origi-nate in the epithelium (上皮) that lines the internal surfaces of organs 52 the body. Al-though these are treatable 53 they are diagnosed in one of the preventable stages, early body damages are almost 54 to detect," said scientist Feld. "We present a new optical-probe (光学探子) technique based on light-scattering spectroscopy (分光镜检查) that is a-ble 55 detect pre-cancerous and early cancerous cells in cell-rich epithelia," he added in a statement.
The new technique relies on the fact 56 cell nuclei change in the early stages of can-cer and the differences scatter light in a characteristic way. Until now the changes were only de-tectable 57 a biopsy (活检) was taken, the scientists said. The new technique, 58 in the Sd-ence journal Nature , can be used in conjunction with a routine cancer screening and surveil-lance technique which uses an endoscope ( 内窥镜)——a flexible optical probe 59 with cam-eras which is inserted into a cavity(空腔)in the body——to check 60 cancers.
The scientists said they 61 their new technique in four different organs during rou-tine endoscopic cancer screening. The tip of the optical probe was brought into contact with the tissue to be tested and the scattering of light was recorded without the need for any tissue to be 62 , the scientists said. "Our results show that light-scattering spectros-copy has the potential to detect pre-cancerous body damages and pre-invasive cancers throughout the body. This technique should 63 improve the efficiency of cancer screening and surveillance," the scientists said. Cancer is one of the biggest 64 in industrialized countries. 65 to figures from the World Health Organization, 10 million people were di-agnosed with the disease worldwide in 1997 and six million died.
51. A. stopping B. accelerating C. delaying D. detecting
52. A. with B. without C. throughout D. for
53. A, unless B. if C. whether D. whereas
54. A. capable B. possible C. impossible D. responsible
55. A. to B. at C. of D. for
56. A. when B. how C. why D. that
57. A. before B. after C. although D. near
58..A. described B. directed C. planned D. determined
59. A. contracted B. issued C. equipped D. coping
60. A. against B, with C. like D. for
61. A. had to test B. had tested C. have tested D. have been testing
62. A. covered B. found C. removed D. pressed
63. A. significantly B. doubtfully C. hardly D. severely
64. A. sufferers B. gainers C. losers D. killers
65. A. As B. According C. Running D. Responding