


    最新信息查询请登陆考试中心托福网考报名网站:toefl.etest.edu.cn或toefl.etest.net.cn, 或致电考试中心托福网考全国服务热线:86-10-62798822。

    TOEFL iBT to Be Administered on Schedule

    Beijing, China (January 5, 2007) ──The National Educational Examinations Authority (NEEA), a partner of the Education Testing Service (ETS), announced that the TOEFL iBT registration website, which was inoperable due to data communication problems caused by damage to undersea fiber optic cables, was back online this morning and resumed services. The January 13th and 14th TOEFL iBT tests and other TOEFL IBT tests to be administered are on schedule. The China Education and Research Network, which provides data communication support for TOEFL iBT, has specially employed its backup data communication line while the undersea fiber optic cables are being repaired. This insured that the registration for and administration of TOEFL iBT resumed as normal.

    For the most up to date information please visit the NEEA iBT registration Web site toefl.etest.edu.cn or toefl.etest.net.cn, or contact the NEEA call center at 86-10-62798822.