


  总结大多数参加雅思考试的学员不难发现,part 3是相当重要的,不仅因为这一部分是提分点,如果你的观点新颖独特可以触动考官,给你意想不到的高分,更是因为常年混在中国的考官深知中国"水有多深",他们太了解中国考生大多数对前两个part有备而来,秉持着"追寻真相"的精神,当然对这一部分更加倚重,这是情理之中的事。既然了解了part 3的重要性,那么该如何对应呢?

  Part 3在官方指南中被定义为Two-way Discussion,即考官也会加入其中,所以如果考试中发现考官持不同意见,和你思路不同,不需要紧张,更不要盲目自我否定,认为自己说错了,考官只是给你多一个思路而已。在这一部分考生需要展露的,除了你对事物的认知,最重要的是清楚的思路。雅思口语Part 3种比较类问题非常普遍,包括过去和现在的对比、男女之间的对比等等,很多同学往往说说就乱了。这里小编要推荐一种四步走、两点式的答题方式。






  In your country, what are the differences between the education at present and 20 years ago?

  1.论点:courses have been largely diversified

  2.举例A:nowadays,English classes are so popularized,even kindergarten and elementary schools offer English classes to their students. And students have more opportunities to develop their interests in different fields like art, astronomy and so forth.

  3.举例 B:In contrast, 20 years ago, teachers didn't pay enough attention to what students like, thus students had very limited choices with the courses they took.

  4.另一个论点:In addition, the center of the class has been transferred gradually from teachers to students, everyone is encouraged to provide new ideas and challenge the assumed truth.


  In my opinion, the biggest change is courses have been largely diversified. Nowadays,English classes are so popularized,even kindergarten and elementary schools offer English classes to their students. And students have more opportunities to develop their interests in different fields like art, astronomy and so forth. In contrast, 20 years ago, teachers didn't pay enough attention to what students like, thus students had very limited choices with the courses they took. In addition, the center of the class has been transferred gradually from teachers to students, everyone is encouraged to provide new ideas and challenge the assumed truth.


  这里要重点说明两点,一是在表述中逻辑关联词的使用,如by contrast, on the contrary以及besides,plus。其次就是对观点的累积,多对事物发表看法是十分重要的积累。多积累和练习,攻克part 3不成问题。
