


  戏剧表演 Theatrical Performances

  京剧脸谱types of facial makeup in Beijing opera

  生   male characters

  末   middle-aged male characters

  净   “painted face” characters

  旦   female characters

  丑   clown

  京剧票友    amatur performer of Peking Opera

  木偶戏   puppet show

  独角戏   monodrama; one-man play

  皮影戏   shadow play ; leather-silhouette show

  折子戏   opera highlights

  戏剧小品  skit

  哑剧   dumb show ; mime ; mummery ; pantomime

  单口相声    monologue comic talk

  双口相声    witty dialogue

  口技    vocal imitations ; ventriloquism

  说书      monologue story-telling

  杂技      acrobatic performance

  叠罗汉     making a human pyramid

  特技      stunt

  睬高跷     stilt walk

  马戏      circus performances
