


  在过去一年中对人类进程意义最大的事件不外乎哥本哈根(Copenhagen, Denmark)气候大会(The international conference on climate change)。来自200多个国家的近15000名代表及观察员参与了这次会议。(15,000 delegates and observers from nearly 200 countries attended COP15)这次会议被认为是达成对抗全球变暖协议的最后一次机会。(This conference has being billed the last best chance for an agreement to combat global warming.) 来自全球各地的代表、专家和环保活跃份子在两周内汇聚在哥本哈根。(Delegates, experts and activists from around the world gathered here in Copenhagen for the next two weeks.)他们的主要任务是为环保事业寻求共识,讨论主题包括减少温室气体排放,推广并转化环保技术及如何保证发展中国家及穷国环保经费的到位。(Their task is to find common ground, including on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promotion and transfer of new more eco-friendly technology and the necessary funding to make this possible, especially for the less developed and poorer nations. )同时会议也将制定长期有效的环保策略及未来合作方案。(It also means coming up with long term vision and cooperation for the future.)哥本哈根大会的前身是十几年前全球各国领袖们聚集在一起制订了为人熟知的《京都协议》。More than a decade ago, leaders from around the world gathered together to form what would become the Kyoto Protocol—the predecessor of COP15.

  同样与哥本哈根大会一样令人难忘的大事便是一系列的地震灾害(The earthquakes)。从汶川到海地及智利的里氏8.8级(Wenchuan, Haiti and Chile’s 8.8 Richter scale earthquake) 的大地震给生活在那些地方的人民带来了巨大的经济损失(huge financial lost)和严重的精神创伤(and server psychological trauma). 可能生活在东部沿海城市(costal cities)的同学们很难体会到地震的毁灭力(devastation of earthquakes)但是从各大灾区传出来的照片已经能让我们感到无比的震撼。许多废墟下的奇迹(miracles under the rubble) 让我们感叹生命的顽强(persistence of life). 全世界联合在一起共同面对地震造成的巨大损失(The world came together to deal with the aftermath of earthquakes)。各国政府及民间机构迅速的展开灾区救援工作,(The disaster relief efforts have been quick and swift lead by governments and NGO’s)以期尽量减少生命和财产的损失(reduce casualties and financial loses)。
