1.John Hanson helped draft instructions for Mary land's delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.
A. clarify
B. formulate
C. revise
D. contribute
2. The current edition of that magazine discusses the ancient civilization of Latin America.
A. first
B. latest
C. old
D. special中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
3. They showed me some photos and 1 had to identify he woman that I saw coming out of the post office.
A. make out
B. make in
C. make up
D. make for
4. An important part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of the Department of state.
A. a unity
B. a division
C. an embassy
D. an invasion
5. She has been the subject of massive media coverage.
A. extensive
B. negative
C. responsive
D. explosive
答案:1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A